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Finite Size Gaps and Low-energy Excitations in Gapless Frustration Free Systems
Speaker Prof. Haruki Watanabe, University of Tokyo
Date 30 July 2024 (Tuesday)
Time 15:00 - 16:30
Venue Room 4503, Academic Building, HKUST (Lifts 25-26)

Frustration-free Hamiltonians, such as the AKLT model and the Kitaev toric code, have helped us understand non-trivial topological phases of matters. In recent years, studies on gapless frustration-free Hamiltonians revealed that their finite-size gaps and low-energy excitations tend to behave differently from conventional systems. As a consequence, spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetries may occur even in one dimension, contrary to the Hohenberg-Mermin-Wagner theorem. In this talk, we will review recent theoretical advances in understanding on the general properties of gapless frustration-free systems.



HW, H. Katsura, J.-Y. Lee, arXiv:2310.16881
R. Masaoka, T. Soejima, HW, arXiv:2406.06414
R. Masaoka, T. Soejima, HW, arXiv:2406.06415

Please contact phweb@ust.hk should you have questions about the talk.